Thursday, April 17, 2008

Speed Bump

The perfect activity while home sick (snuffle, snort, grab a tissue) would be to work on a somewhat brainless knitting project, for which I am facing a serious deadline. Sadly, just as I have reached the sick-enough-to-not-leave-home phase, my pretty-but-pricey Lantern Moon ebony 10.5 has self destructed. Major sigh. I don't have another 10.5 long enough to continue the project. (It's a present, so no details or images until it is done and gifted. OK - you can see a sneak peek in the picture above.) I think I will take the Kleenex box and go back to bed.

.... A much needed nap later....

I found an aged, but still viable, tube of super glue in the garage. It seems to be holding so far.


magnusmog said...

Hope it lasts - I'm crossing my fingers :)

Laura said...

Oh dang, sorry you're sick. If I was there, I'd bring you every 10.5 I have (like 3) to help, and maybe some homemade (from homegrown) chicken soup.

Get better soon...

~~Sittin.n.Spinnin said...

Hope you feel better today! It was nice to talk to you yesterday, even if I was just looking for phone numbers, and thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I work at Lantern Moon and am very sorry to hear this. I can replace this for you no problem, just send me an email at and let me know what length the needle is, and your shipping address.

I hope your feeling better!!!!

Mim said...

Hope your better soon also. Sick is no good! May your glue hold tight.