Tuesday, September 13, 2011

One-Word Wednesday: Biofuel


Laura said...

Which is responsible for high corn prices, is bad for your engine (rots out the gaskets) and is a con job. Getting off my soap box now...

~~Sittin.n.Spinnin said...

What in the world is that? I know what Biofuel is, but what is the picture of?

Purple Fuzzy Mittens said...

Apparently one word was not enough! This picture is of some of the native Nevada algae that is being cultivated to develop alternative biofuels. I took it during UNR's College of Ag Field Day, when the public is invited to tour the farm and research facilities. So...no messing with the corn prices. As for the engine gaskets, I can't say, other than that this research is still years from commercial viability so gaskets may improve. And to point out that diesel engines were originally developed to run on vegetable-based fuel and came to prominence during WWII when petroleum became scarce.