Sunday, July 01, 2007

Has it been a year, already? plus a Report from the Garden

Here it is, my one year Blogiversary. I am told that it is customary to make a celebration of it. Some folks hold contests or put together a sort of best-of memoire.
I prefer to let you read my blog's archives if interested. One point though: When I started this blog I fully expected to get bored or distracted and let it languish after a few postings. No one can be more surprised than I (me?) how it has developed. Keeping it has put me in touch with new friends and helped me to focus my creative efforts. Nothing like needing something to post to get me moving!

Now for a quick report from the garden. The lavender is in full glorious bloom. I am especially pleased to report that it is filled with the increasingly rare honey bees. There must be a hive nearby and someone may be getting some lovely lavender honey this year. There are also my favorite bumblebees. The whole garden is buzzing.
The Perovskia (Russian Sage) has gotten bigger than I expected and is even overshadowing some of the Blue Queen Salvia. I am not unhappy about it because it is also gloriously blooming. My two pallettes of rock are still filling the purpose of... er... yard sculpture, and today they have been joined by 15 bags of cedar mulch. The mulch will be put in place in the next week. The rocks won't.

The misplaced bog plant (Lingularia X palmatiloba) that came with the house has once again beat the high-desert odds and is blooming merrily.


Sharon said...

Happy Blogiversary - it has been fun. I'm glad you didn't get bored!!!!

Beryl Moody said...

The garden pictures are wonderful. I love lavender and all the bees it brings.