Monday, August 21, 2006

Hurry up and wait...

Today was my 1st NV State Fair prep day. As coordinator of the Guild's fair efforts, I was out at the Livestock Events Center promptly at 9am this morning to get going on a myriad of details. The large tent roof was supposed to go up today, followed by the horse-panel walls and security gates. I was hoping to be able to start rolling out flooring and stapling up wall coverings before going over to the 4-H judging at 5:30pm. This didn't exactly work out.

This is as far as my tent has progressed. Sigh. That leaves just tomorrow and Wednesday morning to work miracles.

The Fair opens officially Wednesday afternoon, though some equestrian events are already going on.

The carnival rides are starting to pull in, but they are not set up yet. Since I spent plenty of time waiting on the tent folks, I took a few pictures of rides still on the trucks.

I spent the evening judging Youth Photography. There are some amazingly talented kids out there! And the advent of quality point-and-shoot digital cameras is letting even really young kids come up with great shots from their unique perspectives. The Champion youth photo this year is a beautiful black and white image that any professional photographer would envy.


Birdsong said...

Oh, I am tempted to try and fit this in... but it's not likely this coming weekend. What kind of fleece did you give me a bit to spin back at the NC fair? It was very nice stuff...

:shazzy: said...

Good luck with the fair happenings. Noah is really liking his teddy bear, he smiles and "talks" to it!