This time I started with a garter-stitched rectangle for a flat bottom, then picked up stitches all around to knit up the sides. I decreased a little on the way up. I didn't have enough of the original roving, so I added some dark purple, also slightly fulled, roving in a wide stripe and as the rim of the openning. To get the right thickness for knitting, I split each length of roving, being careful to not draft it out at all since I didn't want weak spots. I used slightly thicker roving peices for the rim around the opening to give it a nice rounded effect. The strap is 2-stitch I-cord. It only took a couple of evenings, and I was feeling pretty smug when it went into the wash. Then I took it out. :-( The purple accents in the multi-colored roving had washed out to a dirty pink, no longer matching the purple roving. Sigh. I stretched the wet bag over a Christmas cookie tin to dry (I knew there was a reason to procrastinate putting those tins away). Here it is finished. After a couple of days I have concluded that it is not the ugliest bag ever, just kinda unattractive.
Lessons to be learned: 1. A quickie project results in a quickie product. 2. Just because two dye jobs look the same color, it does not mean they will stay that way when washed. 3. More pre-planning will result in a bag big enough to actually be useful. And 4. Regardless of how advisable it is to balance the load, NEVER felt your bag in a washer load with a white terry-cloth towel, unless you want to perform a chimpanzee grooming ritual of picking little white bits out of the felt.
I think the idea of using partially felted roving to knit with is a really good idea and that's because I have a lot of it. It's merino and I think I'll dye some up and see what I get. I'm not sure I understand why you felted it with a white towel but I'm sure you had your reasons~
Your purse isn't bad looking at all, and could provide some useful storage somewhere in your cute purple trailer. I like this idea! I am going to try it for a small bag from the Lincoln roving I dyed last week at the Dye Day; Sharon convinced me it was going to be too much trouble to enjoy spinning, but it turned out such a nice color. Happy Birthday greetings are in order, I hear:)
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